This is my first time practicing Lent, today is the first day of the 40 day season leading up to Easter Sunday on March 31st, 2024 (actually 46 days but the Sundays don't count). The purple on the liturgical calendar this year symbolizes the season of Lent, a time of fasting, service and prayer leading up to Easter: lent.png292 KB The above image was from this post from advent.
Fasting, service and prayer
For fasting, I will be giving up alcohol and social media. For service, I will continue to serve my family and participate in Habitat for Humanity to help house the homeless. For prayer, I am keeping that private, but if you are reading this now, and are also joining in this lenten season, know that I appreciate your time and attention here, and that He is listening to you, whether directly or through a saint you have chosen.