Mathematical work
- (2024) The God Groupoid (cross-posted from writing) trinity.html
- (2024) Category Theory in Haskell (WIP) cat-hs.html
- (2024) Group Theory in Haskell (WIP) grp-hs.html
- (2023-2024) Assorted math blog posts
- (2017) Koch curve fractal fractals.elm
- Fractals can have non-integer dimensionality. For example, this Koch curve is \( \log(4) / \log(3) = 1.26\text{-dimensional} \)
- (2016) Hamming and Levenshtein distances dist.c
- This is an exercise in metric spaces where the points are string values
(2011) Zombie outbreak with the '28 Days Later' effect zombies-szr-model.pdf
- This is an exercise in ordinary differential equation linearization.
- (2022) Literate Classical Physics lcp
- (2022) \( n \)-body physics simulation written in C and OpenGL github link
- (2016) Object-Oriented Orbits written in Ruby github link